Friday, June 14, 2013

Working it Out!

In my T-ipsy post I mentioned my other "treat to myself" was signing up for a gym membership.
This was a tough decision, but one I'm so thrilled I made!

Perhaps some back story will shed some light.

I was a skinny kid until I turned about 10. Slowly the pounds started adding on to my short, but thick frame.
 My Dad had a super fast metabolism and was into lifting weights and running. My Mom was shapely and the product of a southern style upbringing. Both were descendants of lady's with child-bearing hips and warm southern hospitality on short, stalky frames.

So - as puberty set in a mostly sedentary lifestyle and genetics took over.

By the time I was in my teens I was what most considered over-weight. My metabolism was not of my Father's and it was looking as though I was inheriting all of the issues of my Mother's side of the family.

I started having hormonal issues right away that then messed with my monthly cycle.

My Dad's answer was to get me involved in sports (which I wasn't all that fond of) or to wake me up at 6 o'clock in the morning during summer vacation to do sit-ups and a two mile jog.

Nothing ever seemed to help and my Dad was frustrated anytime he discovered me sitting down when I could be "outside doing something". Reading a book in my room was considered laziness.

This went on for years and let's just say it took a long time to forgive him for the insecurities he fostered.

When I was 26 I was diagnosed as having Hypothyroidism . The diagnosis was no thanks to the doctor I had at the time. I did the research. I asked for the test. He read the results and wrote perception, that was about it. No discussion, no suggestions...nothing.

I felt alone. My body continued to act against me. Over the years It's been a struggle just to feel any semblance of normalcy.

I was short, overweight,and sick almost all of the time.

about 5 years ago my luck with doctors changed. I found an absolute angel of a doctor who I am also now honored to call my friend.

Through the last 5 years he's been with me as I've struggled and yo-yo'd.

When my husband and I met about 10 yrs ago (officially-tell ya later), I didn't think there would ever be a day that I would feel "normal". Thanks to these two incredible men in my life I'm probably the most hopeful I've ever been that "normal" is still achievable.

I've lost a significant amount of weight 2x in my life. Both while on strict programs and each time the weight, and additional problems followed.

Since that every year I've lost a little and then put it back. Each time getting more frustrated and tired at the prospect of starting over.

As well as having the underlying Thyroid issue I've also been diagnosed with PCOS and infertility issues.

My husband and I would love to have kids, but my health has always been in the way.
This past fall it was also discovered that I have an undetermined immune deficiency.

I was very sick and had to go on medical leave from work for several months.
I'm still doing rounds of testing,but nothing conclusive determined as of yet.

I'm an Enigma.

I was well enough to return to work in March and a conversation with a dear friend of mine sparked an Ah ha moment. He's an immunologist and asked about my stress levels.

I thought about it. I'm a naturally high strung person. I'm a little OCD at times and certainly anal retentive and controlling at times, but to me this was normal. The knots in my stomach and grinding of my teeth never occurred to me to be a product of stress- neither did any of my illnesses.

Now this doesn't account for everything, but it does account for somethings.

So- when you realize you've been running the machine under extreme durress all of this time, what do you do?

I turned to the last method that really worked for me - the gym.

I'm a proud Curves member and currently under the close eye of a sweetheart of a coach whose 22.
Yes, I rolled my eyes at first too, but she's amazing. She was heavy once also and absolutely knows how to motivate me ( most days by kicking my but!)

  I have a new goal, not to loose weight, but to reduce stress, to do something that is just for me. It's my selfish time.

It's been over a month now and I'm down 44 inches total. I have a long way to go yet, but I'm in it for the long haul and enjoying the ride. My daily stress is on the decline now that I have an outlet and my sleep has never been better!

I even got my Hubby to join a gym for himself. I'm so proud of him! he's doing great in his first month and also has a fantastic trainer!

It's going to be a long road and there is still much to do in the way of doctors , but I feel better about it now, and much more in control.

If I can do it, anyone can!...30 or not I'm making it happen!

Go the distance!

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