Sunday, June 9, 2013

Here We Go!...

So, here we go. Like I said, I'm discovering that there's more to our 30's than our mothers told us about. I think we were lulled into a false sense of security. Everyone goes on about your 20's and how much fun you'll have or how Many mistakes you'll make. Then they tell you how fabulous 40 can be or how much better you can feel in your 50's, but what about 30?

Somehow 30 was just sort of glossed over. I wasn't expecting the amount of changes in my attitude, stress levels, body, skin! Nope, I really didn't see it coming. I tried to remember my Mom in her 30's and I guess she just did a really great job of hiding it from everyone. Although, I must say, my Mother looks great! and so does my Father. Neither of them have ever really "looked" their age, but did they feel it?

Over the last several years I've felt a shift of some sort. I've blamed it on many things, but could it just be my 30's that I'm having trouble with? Thirty Shmirty!

so here I am, trying to figure it out and maybe I'll have a few of you follow me along the way...or maybe this will just serve as a fun reminder of my obstacles when I've crossed the threshold of my fabulous 40's. Either way I'm prepared to delve deeply into the day to day operations of being in my 30's.

I hope you'll be there to share in a laugh or two...thousand, or offer a helping hand when I've clearly got it all wrong!

Thanks in Advance!


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