Sunday, June 30, 2013

Quick Post: Fur Baby and first 5K!

While I have some tweaking to do on a couple of posts before they're scheduled, I thought I'd let you know how my weekend is going thus far.

Friday I came home from work to find that my hubby was home early! -YAY!
...but, he informed me that our elderly cat had lost the use of her hind legs.

She's had a myriad of health issues lately and the vet bills are crazy. There was just no way that I could afford to take her in again.

We did monitor her for a while and other than not being able to put weight on her back feet she seemed fine. She wasn't lethargic, still had an appetite and was dragging herself to come see us.

 We made a pack a few months back that although she's really getting up there in age, we are not considering putting her down until we see her quality of life change dramatically. After all, she's our fur baby! Much of the day revolves around taking care of her, and I'm fine with that. She's such a sweetie.

So, I did what any other Mom would do, fur baby or not...set out on a mission to fix the issue. I searched on the net for a few hours and determined that most likely this was not related to a serious health issue. Her circulation seemed fine and if we put pressure on those legs there was still resistance.

I wanted to treat it like inflammation or strain. Off to the natural food market we went where we found a natural Liquid treatment for rheumatic/joint care by Newton Homeopathic for pets.
We started on her drops Friday evening and noticed that in a few hours she started putting more weight on her back legs. She couldn't stand up on her own, but was putting more pressure on them.

Although I wasn't completely satisfied, I was willing to hear out the hubbs when he suggested that we continue with our plans for the following day- RE: Our First 5K!

I was still a little uneasy about leaving her alone for a couple of hours. To ease my mind we decided to confine her to a smaller space where all of the necessities were near by. By Saturday Morning she had at some point climbed in and out of her box to do her biz, which meant continued progress.

Now, full steam to the 5K!
We signed up at the last minute because we got a deal from living social. The hubs really wanted to try a fun 5K run/ walk and this was a color run being put on by charity bomb. Unfortunately,BOMB was the operative word here.
There was little actual information on their web page for the event, which I thought was a little odd., but what the hell it was half price!

I really wanted to attend an official COLOR RUN put on by: THE COLOR RUN, but had gotten my wires crossed and ended up signing up for the knock -off event.

We spent over an hour just getting to park. There was also a biker event going on at the same location and traffic was a night mare with NO ONE controlling it! Once getting in and PAYING TO PARK we learned you had to WALK HALF THE COURSE TO GET TO REGISTRATION!

OMG! seriously? My trainer also signed up and wanted to meet up with us. She's such a sweetie and although she could have ran the course and smoked us both, she decided to walk it with us!

When we finally got to the registration area the line was almost a mile long. This was promised to be the hottest day in the OC thus far and there was no relief from the sun @ this event.

Even after putting SPF 100+ Sport  spray, yes they make it- see!
 I still got the worst sun burn on my shoulder!...And after another hour to get our number flags we FINALLY where able to start.
By the time we got to the second COLOR STATION they were OUT OF COLOR!I ask, how do you run out of color on a COLOR RUN  after the first heat?  @ 11/12 pm the temp was already in the mid 90's F and with zero shade the sun was brutal!

Honestly the best part was getting to chat with my awesome trainer and knowing that she's really there with me to help me through this journey. Although she's practically young enough to be my kid, she's very intelligent and has an old soul!

As we happily rounded the corner where we remembered seeing the water station we noticed that they were turning people away- THEY RAN OUT OF WATER ! Really?, on the hottest day of the year so far in direct sunlight, after the first heat with about 4 more to go? OMG!

It was also about then that the medications I've been on let me know that my race day was over. My vision blurred, my balance was challenged and I felt light headed. I made it to the last color station back near the parking lot and once it was determined that I had indeed already walked 5K I called it a day!

I didn't sign up for a 7K and there was no way I was dragging myself back though the course to walk through the "Official" finish line only to double back again to go home?! No- thank -you!

I thanked my trainer for being there and sticking it out with me. We found our car in the sea of dust and motorcycles and then promptly sat in traffic for another hour trying to get out- What a mess!
I hope there were no serious medical emergencies yesterday, as I don't think they could have handled such a thing.

Lessoned learned we made it home, I made it into the shower to cool off and low and behold the cat was walking again. She was still a little wobbly, but so much better! This morning she has continued to improve, my sunburn is healing with help from our trusty aloe plant and all in all it's shaping up to be a lovely Sunday!


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